April 8, 2007 | By Naman Bagga | Filed in: General, Tech Talk.

Mozilla Firefox is the ultimate solution to the web browsing problems suffered by people using Internet Explorer. I got sick and tired of updating my Internet explorer from version 5 to 6 and then to version 7. I would recommend it to all my friends who want to make browsing fun. Firefox is an award winning web browser. The latest Mozilla Firefox 2 is one of the fastest web browsers. My rating for it will be ***** (5/5). What’s even better is that it is absolutely free of cost and when I say free I mean free. It’s a 5MB download which means that if you are using DSL/Cable/Broadband you are less than 5 minutes away from the greatest browsing experience. Well I haven’t told you one thing yet-Where do you download it from??Hmm…The answer is very simple-my blog where else. Look for a Firefox advertisement on the right panel of this page. All you have to do is click on it and download Firefox. So friends, happy browsing.

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