640 MB RAM

June 9, 2008 | By Naman Bagga | Filed in: Uncategorized.

Refer to my post-384-256+512=640 before reading this one.My RAM finally reached Delhi on 6th June at my cousin’s house which is about a kilometer away from my house.I went to my cousin’s house at 10:00am to get the RAM as I was eager to try it out.

When I reached there,I found out that my cousin brother aged 8 had got a CD of The SIMS 2 and wanted me to tech him/to see me play the game.It is notable that the ESRB rating of the game was ‘Teen’ but in India,people don’t care!Back to the RAM story,I had to play SIMS 2 for a few hours and I must say

It was fun

I managed to reach home at 6pm to find my elder sister working on the computer.I knew I would have to wait for her to complete her work.Which meant a few more hours to wait.That was the case.

Finally, I managed to open up my cabinet and insert the RAM module at 9:00pm.I tried booting up and it worked.As expected,my computer performs faster now.

I have lots of stuff to do.Since my Ubuntu upgrade didn’t work out well,I’ll try a fresh install.Ankur told me that Ubuntu 8.04 is a bit buggy even with a fresh install.Perhaps I’ll try Kubuntu if this is true as now I have enough RAM to run KDE properly.I’ll tell you more about it when I do so.

One comment on “640 MB RAM

  1. hi naman!!this is shweta!!i tried to contact u!!wat happened in jee?i didnt qualify and pls pls giv me ur email id!!as u said nt to leave u a scrap so giv me ur id!!!aieee mein kya rank aayi?

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