I’ve previously made posts about SocialSpark,but this one has a different target.This post is meant for advertisers.If you are an advertiser and are looking for some good publicity,you should check out SocialSpark.com.I’ve mentioned in earlier posts that SocialSpark is the future of advertising.Its code of ethics distinguishes it from every other advertising network.It is perhaps the most healthy network now.
When an advertiser decides to advertise through blogs,he wants recognition and a traffic boost and not an artificial PR rise.This is the reason why all SocialSpark links are “nofollow” links.SocialSpark is the perfect network for advertisers and I feel that all advertisers should sign-up for SocialSpark.
I personally feel that there are not enough tech related opportunities in SocialSpark.Having some sports related ones is also a good idea.I wish to see some tech or sport advertisers in the SocialSpark network.This would make blog advertisng more interesting and easier.
I hope that after reading this post,Social Spark will get many more advertisers.I hope to see many tech related opportunities in SocialSpark.I’ve seen some movie related opportunities too and would love to see more of them.