Auto-rotate applications in Samsung Corby PRO(GT-B5310)

May 25, 2010 | By Naman Bagga | Filed in: MobiWorld.

Not very recently, in January, I bought a new phone- the Samsung Corby PRO aka GT-B5310, known as the Genio PRO in the UK. The Corby series is great value for money and I’ll be posting a review of the phone and reasons for buying it soon.

The phone has a sliding QWERTY keypad and so most of the inbuilt apps and stuff rotates automatically when you slide-out the keypad. If you’ve been using the Corby PRO for a while, you would’ve noticed that the additional Java applications you’ve installed don’t have auto-rotate support and its quite a PITA to type with the QWERTY keypad while the display is in portrait mode. Thankfully, there is a solution to this problem. All you need is an archive manager and a text editor. Here’s what you need to do-

1. Download the jar file on your computer.
2. Use an archive manager to open it and edit the MANIFEST.MF file found in the META-INF folder.
3. Add these lines at the bottom of MANIFEST.MF to enable support for auto-rotate-

X-Pax-Keyboard: Qwerty
X-Pax-TextInput-Hidden: true
MIDlet-Touch-Support: TRUE
MIDlet-ScreenMode: ROTATE

4. Save the jar archive after making the above changes.

Now transfer the jar file to your phone. But there’s a catch here too. The Corby PRO’s OS doesn’t allow you to install Java applications by just opening jar files from the file manager. The only way to install applications is by downloading them from your phone. But thinking about it carefully, you don’t really need to upload the jar file anywhere. All you need to do is create a HTML page and transfer it along with the jar file to your phone. Opening the HTML page from your phone will open it using the phone’s web browser and you won’t need GPRS to install the application. Here’s what you need to do to create the html file-

1. Open a text editor like notepad.
2. Write this in the file-

<a href=”<insert filename here>”>Install Application</a><br>

Replace with the name of the jar file; for example, if you are installing the IM client Palringo and the file name is Palringo.jar, the code would be-

<a href=”Palringo.jar”>Install Application</a><br>

3. Save the file with a .html extension and give it any name like installer.html

Now when you open the HTML file from your phone, you’ll see a Install Application link. Clicking on it will install the Jar file you just edited. I managed to get all the applications I use to auto-rotate like this apart from those ones which don’t let you download the jar file from your computer. This should work for all applications. If you face any problems, feel free to leave a comment.

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117 comments on “Auto-rotate applications in Samsung Corby PRO(GT-B5310)

  1. i got the answer for auot rotate in samsung corby pro.
    but in that solution ,they used to do the followng…

    1. Download the jar file on your computer.
    2. Use an archive manager to open it and edit the MANIFEST.MF file found in the META-INF folder.
    3. Add these lines at the bottom of MANIFEST.MF to enable support for auto-rotate-
    X-Pax-Keyboard: Qwerty
    X-Pax-TextInput-Hidden: true
    MIDlet-Touch-Support: TRUE
    MIDlet-ScreenMode: ROTATE
    4. Save the jar archive after making the above changes.

    here in 2 ,edit the MANIFEST.MF and add these lines at the bottom
    X-Pax-Keyboard: Qwerty
    X-Pax-TextInput-Hidden: true
    MIDlet-Touch-Support: TRUE
    MIDlet-ScreenMode: ROTATE

    but i can’t edit that MANIFEST.MF file
    i need a solution for this please……..

  2. can u please send the edited/updated jar file to my email?
    i can’t seem to do it right, cuz i dont have a proper acrhive updater.
    if u send the jar i can simply follow the rest of the steps and install it
    thanks in advance.

  3. hi every one

    if any body has updated open source code of original file reader to better handling and navigation for samsung corby pro

    please let me know……….

  4. Hi, found ur article very helpful…but i hv a question.. i m using corby pro and how can i change the screen orientation o an app such as operamini from portrait to landscape when i rotate the phone (not by sliding the keypad)?
    is thr any way?

  5. thnx a lottttttttttt bro.. i was rily fed up of changing the orientation of screen frm settings.. i tried this and it worked… and evn the process of installing apps.. thnx buddy

  6. HI…I already did that auto rotate but it still doesnt work…I edited the file but when I check it back on notepad nothing change…like it was not edited…can you help me about this?

    • Doggy has never used a harness, just when he’s on the back sit of the car. He’s always been pretty good with “heel” it was natural, I only had to reinforce him, however, now that he’s a rebel teenager I need to do a little more corrections than 2 months ago, trying times are ahead I must keep my cool.

    • If you get the car seat adaptor, that mitigates the head control issue. The car seat keeps their head steady in the car, so it would also do so in the stroller. It seems the issue is the car seat making the stroller top-heavy and prone to tipping.

    • Non mi sono persa la puntata domenica scorsa; troppo bella l’anaconda verde!!! E tutti quegli uccelli di vari colori mi hnno lasciata senza fiato e mi sono praticamente commossa a veder la natura così in armonia!Posso farti un domanda? Cosa hai provato mentre cavalcavi quel meraviglioso cavallo, grigio pomellato se non sbaglio? Io vado a equitazione e adoro i cavalli! Vero che quando li monti sembra di volare?

  7. à°Žంà°¤ à°…à°¦ృà°·్à°Ÿà°µంà°¤ుà°²ంà°¡ీ…à°¤ొà°®్à°®ిà°¦ేà°³్à°³ు à°­ాà°—్యనగరంà°²ో ఉన్à°¨ాà°¨ు, à°’à°•్à°•à°¨ాà°¡ూ ఇలాంà°Ÿి à°­ాà°—్à°¯ం పట్à°Ÿింà°¦ి à°•ాà°¦ు.‘నను à°—ోà°¡à°²ేà°¨ి à°šిà°¤్తరుà°µుà°¨ి à°šేà°¸ిà°µెà°³్à°³ిà°ªోà°¯ిà°¨ à°¨ా à°µెంà°•à°Ÿ్à°°ాà°µుà°•ోà°Ÿి à°•ోà°Ÿ్à°² à°œ్à°žాపకాలకు సభక్à°¤ిà°•ంà°—ా ’ …….à°ª్à°š్ à°•à°¨్à°¨ీà°³్à°³ు వస్à°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°¯ి. 🙁

  8. I enjoyed the show and am going to get a CB now because of it. Sure wish the two of you would have talked about actually talking on CB. What codes are there? What is normal CB radio etiquette? 10 codes? Stuff that might not be immediately obvious just getting a CB and turning it on and listening for a little while. Maybe a topic for a follow-up show. Thanks for the motivation!Current score: 0

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