The 400th Post

December 7, 2009 | By Naman Bagga | Filed in: General.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Leo Reynolds
This is the 400th post on this blog. I take this opportunity to look back 2 and a half years and recall how this blog started as a blogger hosted blog, soon got itself a custom domain and eventually evolved into a self-hosted WordPress blog. In the process, this blog has had visitors from all parts of the world who visit the blog either troubleshooting a problem or simply people who want to stay in touch with me. I would like to thank all my blog readers who have been following this blog for the last 2.5 years. Although my recent blogging frequency doesn’t indicate this but I assure you that this is just the beginning and hundreds of posts will follow and this blog will always be there for you. This blog can sustain itself and all the hosting costs so I can’t even think about ever shutting this blog down. So keep following the blog as you’ve been doing so far. If you haven’t signed up for free email subscriptions as yet, you are encouraged to do so, it will make life much simpler for you.

As far as the post frequency is concerned, I have a one month long semester break which means I have lots of time to blog so I’ll be able to update my blog frequently for the next month or so. 🙂

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5 comments on “The 400th Post

    • In medicina si chiamano "gasping", sono gli ultimi sussulti prima di esalare l'ultimo respiro.Lasciate in pace Mazzucco, in questi momenti di rievocazione, il bello è godersi la grandezza umana, non la pochezza mentale.:)

    • Well… it's a nice improvement, but the data shown is quite…well… strange.I've immediatly watched the WMC of a client and the brand name has ZERO ctr. Zero ctr on the brand name ?! It's also a very particular name: there are no similarly named companies in italy and the official website is on the first position (as it should be).So… what are these CTR ?

    • Caroline Burbank – Hi Mallory! I know that you started this question game a long time ago but I was looking at your website and I decided to participate. By the way this is Perry and Leanne Scott’s daughter..that Caroline:)1. BCBG for sure..I love the timeless style and the way everything from there fits me.2. Skin care..I know it sounds vein but I love to take care of my skin and if I had to narrow it down I would say sun screen because I love to be outside.

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