
July 5, 2009 | By Naman Bagga | Filed in: General.

I owe an explanation to all my blog readers as I haven’t posted for more than seven days. My twitter followers might know the reason. I was on a vacation in Goa from 29th June to 2nd July and I forgot to schedule a notification post.

I was back from Goa on 2nd July. I received my Dell Studio 15 on that day. I spent the next 2 days importing stuff into my laptop and personalizing it. Now I’m happy with my laptop and can work on it normally. Detailed posts on the Goa trip and my Dell Studio 1555 to follow soon.

3 comments on “Explanation

  1. Mine and 10,000 other users of Twitter who were using twitterAPI or tweeetlater ,their account got suspended. i’ve found out the correct reason for this supension.
    I ‘ve posted about it at my blog
    url is http://jugaadworld.blogspot.com/2009/07/twitter-account-got-suspended.html

    Please tweet about this on twitter, as people might be eager to know reason for this bulk suspension.

    i am asking to tweet because i cannot ,as my account is suspended. thanks in advance.

  2. Hi…can u plz let me know wat was your payment option at vidur…..?derz some confusion regarding the dd ..wether it is to be payable at new delhi or banglore…the ppl at vidur say that if it is made payable at banglore..it will take more time for delivery….while all other exclusive stores [at noida and gurgaon] asked me to make it payable at banglore….i can just afford a dd..

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