Airtel has expressed from its advertisements that it is OK to pirate stuff. Aircel has expressed similar feelings with this ad-
Who’s next? Vodafone?
Airtel has expressed from its advertisements that it is OK to pirate stuff. Aircel has expressed similar feelings with this ad-
Who’s next? Vodafone?
Do they have unlimited GPRS plans? 😉
I don’t know, Dhoni can afford anything. But if he downloads music on his phone through GPRS, he’ll lose his hair soon 😉
@ Ankur Banerjee Its 10p/10KB so that’s pretty decent…
@Naman phones are for music downloads when u have no access to ur comp… else duh! use the comp…
Dude, Have you ever tried downloading songs on a mobile phone? It takes ages for the download to complete. Additionally, you’ll drain your phone battery if you use it for doing such data intensive tasks.
I also heard about the Aircel plans I think 10p/10kb is a good deal plus the fact that I can access music and use tools like facebook and Yahoo one at any time I think I am ready for anything.
You can access Facebook mobile site using any GPRS service.
I pay 30p/50kb on Airtel, which is better than Aircel’s plan.
Aircel is also providing Unlimited Internet for Rs 98 on cell. Right now they are busy giving SIM cards for free to everyone.. I got my hand on one too.. 🙂
Yeah, saw those, nice strategy 🙂
This post was made way before they started giving unlimited internet cards. In any case, Dhoni will lose his hair waiting for the song download to complete.
[…] it now though. That's all for May I guess, well maybe I could also include the fact that lots of MS Dhoni Aircel ads were on television in […]