Zenni Optical sell stylish prescription eyeglasses online at prices as low as $8.If you want something more expensive,its not an issue.They have a wide range of glasses of different patterns and price ranges.Zenni Optical has a very good reputation and the customer feedback seems to be good.Most people seem to be all praises for Zenni.There have been reports on Zenni Optical on Fox News TV and on the radio.The popular U.S. talk radio host of the nationally syndicated consumer advocate program The Clark Howard Show,recommended Zenni Optical once.You should also check out this page before framing an opinion about Zenni Optical.If you are wondering why the prices of the frames are very low,the reason it that Zenni only sells their own manufactured products.There are no middlemen and they have no advertising budget to deal with.Thus they can earn their desired profit even by setting the retail prices low.
Zenni Optical offers great deals for frames with different kinds of lenses such as single vision lens,sunsensor(potochromic) lens,tinted sunglasses lens,bifocal lens and progressive lens.Cheap upgrades like anti-reflective coating for just $4.95 are also available.New frames have arrived recently.All eyeglass orders have free UV protection and anti scratch coating.Basically there are no hidden costs involved here except for a $4.95 Shipping and Handling charge per order.Zenni Optical makes ordering your eyeglasses very simple.Just log on to ZenniOptical.com and select the frame of your choice.
If you are looking for a new pair of glasses, then check out GlassesShop. I encourage anyone looking to save some money and get a bigger selection to search online.