WaiverWire Beta is the leading online destination for Fantasy Football News,Stat analysis etc.It is a social networking platform for Fantasy Players.It is a Fantasy Football player’s paradise.My uncle is a big football fan and simply loves playing Fantasy football.I’m sure he would love WaiverWire.
If you are into Fantasy Football,WaiverWire will definitely give you an edge over other players.No other website provides the kind of information you can find on WaiverWire.Everything from statistics to injury updates is a part of the news.The best part is that you can get all this news delivered to your Inbox via Email or to your mobile phone via text message updates.
WaiverWire offers different types of packages to its users namely Basic, News, Stats, Advice, Draft.Advice and Draft are scheduled to be launched in 2009.The Basic package is free of cost and is ideal to get an idea of the services offered.There are inaugural discounts on the News and Stats packages for a limited time.I feel that all Fantasy players should try using WaiverWire at least for the current football season.If you like it,(which I’m sure you will) you can use it for future seasons.You should signup atleast for a free basic account to play Fantasy Football with an edge.