Pakistan newcomer,Misbah-ul-Haq has a habbit of getting out in the most funniest possible manner.Here’s a post dedicated to his dismissals.
In the ICC World Twenty20 Finals,he managed to get himself out by playing a silly shot when Pakistan were in a very comfortble position and could have won easily.Here’s what he managed to do-
When asked about the shot he played in the ICC World T20 final,he said in an interview that he would play the shot agian.In the 2nd ODI against India he dared to play the same shot and this time things were a bit different.He didn’t manage to hit the ball and was bowled.Have a look-
Recently,in the first test between India and Pakistan at Delhi,he got run out in a really funny manner.He jumped to let the ball hit the stumps while he was in the air.You definitely need to look at this video-
smela. wktu aritu alin blik jb. g bazar sne. beli roti john. then, bg la Rm5. pastu duk kt situ tnggu baki. abg uh wt bodoh je. try tnye akk tu, bpe roti john ni. akk tu ckp Rm5. fuh! sumpah ase malu plak duk tecngrook kat situ tnggu baki. heee. =)
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My biggest growing fear is that so many things I predicted as complete wild-ass guesses 3-4 years ago are now happening. It’s scary, because at first I honestly used to just spew crazy ideas here to stir the conversation, but now it’s like every week of my life should be an episode of Doomsday Preppers.The ghetto administration campaigned on a promise to transform Amerika. They knew exactly the direction they wanted to take this country and the ghetto electorate was all too ready to comply… tats, rolls and all.