Great news for all Linux fans and specially for Debian and Ubuntu fans.Shipit,the free media program of Canonical is now open for pre-order of Ubuntu ,Kubuntu and Edubuntu 7.10(Gutsy Gibbon).So you can order your free Ubuntu,Kubuntu or Edubuntu CD now.Note that these OS’s will be released on 18th October so all you can do is place your order beforehand which will be shipped when Gutsy Gibbon will be released.If you want Xubuntu,there’s no Shipit for you.You’ll have to download on 18th October.Shipit has reduced the number of CD’s you can order.You can either order 1 PC edition CD,1 64bit-PC edition CD, 2 PC edition CD’s or 1 PC and 1 64bit-PC edition.If you want more Cd’s you’ll have to place a special order with a valid reason.I guess Canonical is running out of funds or more probably they want to prevent the misuse of their free media program.