Pay Per Post is a good website through bloggers can earn by writing sponsored reviews on thier blogs.It is much faster than Google Adsense.In fact AdSense is one of the slowest way of earning money by blogging.Pay Per Post is a great place for bloggers and advertisers.Earning form Pay Per Post is a very simple process.You just need a 3 month old blog with frequent enough posts.If your blog is a picture blog or a video blog,it might be rejected.Your blog can be rejected even if it is filled with poems.I have tried many such websites like Bloggerwave and Blogsvertise but Pay Per Post is the fastest and has the most opportunities.
Bloggers receive thier payments through thier Paypal accounts,30 days after they complete the post.You may delete the post 30 days later.Now let me give you an account of my earnings through various sources(till date)-
Google Adsense- $13.13 in three months
Blogsvertise- $14 in one month
Bloggerwave- $26 in one month
PayPerPost- $27 in one day
Pay Per Post has the lowest lower limit in terms of number of words.The figures say it all.I’ve heard from GQ that Smorty payments are made immideately.I’m waiting for my blog to be approved by Smorty.